Re: [orca-list] speech-dispatcher works but needs manual start everytime for orca.

hi michael,
so in short as herman and tomas declared, there is no way to hear
punctuations in orca with sd?
this is actually strange because people who use speach-dispatcher with
say for example emacspeak, never seam to complain about this at least
as far as my knowledge goes.
and if at all it is we will need to wait and watch.
On 18/05/07, Michael Whapples <mwhapples aim com> wrote:
One thing I noticed, you mention setting the punctuation level to most, are
you using espeak with espeak? If so one thing you should possibly be aware
of is that due to the espeak module being a generic module (executes a shell
command) it doesn't actually support punctuation levels (as far as
speech-dispatcher goes, I don't know if orca gives the word name for the
punctuation when using the speech-dispatcher backend so getting round this
limitation). I don't know what the issue is when using gnome-terminal, but
normally if I need to do stuff at the command line I go back to proper text
console and speakup as I think that works better.

Michael Whapples
----- Original Message -----
From: "krishnakant Mane" <researchbase gmail com>
To: <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 7:07 AM
Subject: [orca-list] speech-dispatcher works but needs manual start
everytime for orca.

> hello herman and all listers.
> I have finally got sd working consistently with orca and I have
> absolutely no problems so far.
> the speech quality is superb except that orca does not speek the $
> prompt in the terminal even after setting the punctuation to most.
> however I am facing a tedious job to get sd started every time I start
> my laptop.
> firstly as herman suggested I did
> sudo update-rc.d speech-dispatcher defaults.
> I get the output that says, system startup link for speech-dispatcher
> already exists.
> I also changed the user=speech-dispatcher to root in the
> init./speech-dispatcher script.
> but when I run sudo /etc/init.d/speech-dispatcher start, it says can't
> create pid file in /var/run/speech-dispatcher wrong permissions.
> what could be the problem.
> I further found out that there is no such directory called
> /var/run/speech-dispatcher.
> I now have to first manually create the directory in /var/run and then
> chmod it for read write and execute permissions.
> then when I do the /etc/init.d/speech-dispatcher start, it works fine.
> the next time I re boot the machine the directory is gone and I have
> to do the same things again, modus operandy.
> regarsd,
> Krishnakant.

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