Re: [orca-list] Installing Ubuntu


to get to the system menues its alt and f1

to get to the run dialogue directly, its alt and f2

so to change the volume, press alt and f2 to get the run dialogue, then 
type gnome-volume-control

That will show all your sound devices and you can modify each as 

If you do get confused by the amount of options, and only simply wish to 
change the volume, then

alt  and f2, then type: gnome-terminal
now you are at a shell prompt, type:
alsamixer -s 
now using up and down will increase/decrease the master volume 
respectavely, and when you are happy press escape twice to get back to 
the terminal. now type exit 
and you are back at the desktop.


On Thu 12/07/2007 at 08:52:59, Parham wrote:
Hi John,
I now have the live CD and have tested it. It's fine, but before I install, 
I had a few questions.
First, how can I lower the volume since it hurts my ears! Lol
I experimented with it quite a lot, but the thing is that the volume thing 
(in the top panel) does not get activated by pressing space. I just get a 
plus sign and when I press tab, I'm back in the panel again.
And, as I hear, Linux has a start menu. How can I get to it? The start key 
doesn't work.

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