Re: Orca getting the gnome-speech eSpeak driver to build? (was, eSpeak v1.18 released, for use with /GnomeSpeech)

Hi Al:

I put Gilles's gnome-speech driver in the gnome-speech SVN trunk, and
I'll do a gnome-speech 0.4.8 release with it for GNOME 2.17.90 (GNOME
2.18.0 Beta 1) a week from tomorrow.  If people can give this a try
before Friday and let me know of successes or issues, it would be great.

Here's what I did to get it to work - it took about 15 minutes:


Download from and
unzip it. 

Type these commands to get the espeak stuff in well-known locations:

cd espeak-1.18-linux
sudo cp -rp espeak-data /usr/share/
sudo cp shared_library/ /usr/lib/
sudo cp shared_library/speak_lib.h /usr/include/
sudo ldconfig


In the top-level gnome-speech source directory, type these commands to
build/install gnome-speech with espeak (assuming you've pulled the
gnome-speech from svn at revision 267 or greater, though 267 currently
is the highest revision right now):

./autogen --prefix=/usr
sudo make install

I also ran test-speech to make sure it worked - it did.  Gilles made
this really easy for me to integrate into gnome-speech.  Thanks very
much Gilles, and thanks very much Jonathan for creating eSpeak and for
being receptive of Gilles's mods.

Note that the gnome-speech driver depends upon the libespeech library,
which has a dependency on libportaudio0.  I already had libportaudio0
installed on my Ubuntu box, so I didn't run into any issues.

Hope this helps, and thanks again everyone.


On Sat, 2007-01-13 at 17:09 -0500, Al Puzzuoli wrote:
Hi all,

First of all, many,  many thanks to both Gilles Casse and Jonathan 
Duddington for making this happen!

Is there a parameter that needs to be passed to the autogen script to cause 
the Espeak driver to be built, or should the presence of Espeak be 
autodetected by gnome-speech?

I think I have Espeak 1.8 installed correctly, as I'm able to get it to 
speak system wide when I issue the espeak command; However, the gnome-speech 
driver is not being built.

Thanks in advance for any tips,


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jonathan Duddington" <jsd clara co uk>
To: <ubuntu-accessibility lists ubuntu com>
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2007 11:50 AM
Subject: eSpeak v1.18 released, for use with Orca/GnomeSpeech

Version 1.18 of the eSpeak synthesizer is now available at:

This version includes changes made by Gilles Casse which allow it to be
used with a GnomeSpeech driver which he has written.  This should give
better results when using eSpeak with Orca and other Gnome applications.

I'm not sure whether Gilles has announced his GnomeSpeech driver for
eSpeak yet.  He may be waiting for me announce this 1.18 version first.

Please report any problems, in case there is time to fix them before
the cut-off date for Ubuntu Feisty.

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