Re: [orca-list] Orca and Firefox 3 - carret control

out of my research work on accessibility concepts I had done survey
with many visually handicap people of varying computer skills and with
different screen readers to find what worked best for most of them.
firstly, well done jonie and the rest.  apart from a few things I
would suggest, most of them like the non vertual buffer presentation
of the web page.
I always personally liked as is presentation of information but I just
wanted to make sure if is that most like.
now the only thing I can suggest is that comboboxes should remain
colapsed till space bar is pressed and when text areas come into the
picture it should be the same method.
the other thing I would suggest is, just as we shift from control to
control with tab key, same should be with the text box.  many a times
we have to use ctrl+tab wich is not a consistent method as far as
accessibility is concerned.
we must be as uniform as possible and the accessibility system should
be monotonous whereever possible, so that it not just reduces the
learning curve but also makes a user confident as to say "this will
certainly happen if I press this key because it happens in a similar
situation/ event".
infact the best part will be that if combos don't expand untill one
pressess the space bar, many unwanted events can be prevented and I
think this has been said before on this thread.

On 23/12/2007, David Csercsics <aarg shaw ca> wrote:
I don't want extra controls to have to enter a text area. I don't think
we should start altering the behaviour of an application like that. I like
being able to go to my friendly search engine and start typing immediately
since I get dropped in the text area that I want anyway. If you don't want
to be in a text box just press tab! Not that hard. It's also easy enough
to clear edits to a text box with one keystroke if you typed something
you didn't mean to. Combo boxes probably should work like the rest of
gnome though since those are not as easy to alter should you get dropped
on one accidentally. Especially if you hit one of those combos that has
javascripts fire as soon as the option is selected. In that case you wat
to make sure what you wanted selected is actually being selected so you
don't go bouncing off to some page you didn't want. i think we should make
things in gnome work in a similar manner so we don't have to learna bunch
of new keystrokes to handle the same controls in different applications.
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