Re: [orca-list] linux as a primary system

What about using a browser like lynx with speakup?
And doing everything else in gnome? Or most other things in gnome?
I know a guy that just uses a cli and hasn't got a gui or used windows for ages.

On Wed, 19 Dec 2007, Darragh Ó Héiligh wrote:


Sorry. I should probably explain my self better.  I think my point yesterday
didn't come across as I'd intended.

Yes.  Linux and specifically Gnome and the Orca screen reader will empower
you to usemost distributions of your choice independantly, productively and
yes. even easily.
With Evolution, OpenOffice, pidgin and lodes of other applications,
including Firefox you will enjoy the same access as in Windows.

The point I tried but so baddly made yesterday was that unfortunately at the
moment, if you depend on a lot of web browsing, in my opinion, Windows is
really your best option.
like others have said here. I use Windows less and less with each new
enhancement to Orca and Firefox but unfortunately at the moment, there is
just no way I can use linux as my only system because Orca and Firefox just
cant handle websites as efficiently as Windows and the associated screen

I'm lucky though. I've enough resources available at work to let me use
Ubuntu as my primary system. OpenSuSE for work related testing and windows
xp with the pesky jaws for researching and logging.  Mainly because the
logging application is very complicated as it has a lot of clicable areas
and drop down menus.


Daniel Dalton
d dalton iinet net au

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