Re: [orca-list] too much speech or not enough


If you are in a terminal window, type apt-get at the prompt. You will receive a help screen which lists the switches (or options) that can be used on the command line. Looking through this list, you will find "-qq", which will suppress all output except error messages.So, you could type the following:

$ sudo apt-get -qq update

However, I'm not sure if this will get you what you want, since it will give you very little,if any, feedback. If you want more information on apt-get, try typing "man apt-get" at the prompt and take a look through the man pages.

Hope this helps,


----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Weaver" <weavermicha googlemail com>
To: <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 1:36 PM
Subject: [orca-list] too much speech or not enough

Is there a way of getting the speech level right for system updates or
maybe even upgrades of Ubuntu?
I ask as I either get too much from the Gnome terminal when using Apt
in Gutsy or not enough when using the update manager from the system
I still haven't managed to get speech dispatcher to work as Orca keeps
giving me strange messages and the impression I am getting is that is
not starting properly when it downloads the package and extracts the
files and I think I keep getting a Beta version as some of the files
keep saying something about beta with a version number including the
tilde sign which I am not sure if this is the correct version I should
be getting.
I am still using the default version of Orca in Gutsy as I haven't
quite got my head around building a more up to date version as looking
at the documentation I get the empression I still need to use
Subversion even if I were to download a more up to date version as a
.tgz file.
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