Re: [orca-list] progression with open solaris


Do you have a link to this OpenDoc Society Acessibility Board?  I'd love
to read more about it.


On Sun, 2007-12-16 at 19:13 +0100, Peter op 't Hof wrote:

You wrote:

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Willie Walker" <William Walker Sun COM>
To: "Peter op 't Hof" <opthofp xs4all nl>
Cc: <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2007 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: [orca-list] progression with open solaris
Most of the people thought that Open Office was inaccessible, because there 
minor results with Windows.

I'm confused -- I'm hoping that what you mean by this is "prior to the demo, 
most people thought that Open Office was inaccessible, but changed their minds 
as a result of this demo."  :-)  If not, please give us more details so we can 
work on them.

No, their minds are changed as a result of the demo.
In an earlier session Peter Korn has laid the foundation for that.
I was able to show them a comparing test with Windows against Open Solaris.
I am now working togheter with:


Perhaps we can compair bugs later this month.
Next year it is the first goal of our government to introduce the ODF standard 
as a mainformat for open iformation for all people.
As a member of the Opendoc Society Accessibilityboard i have noticed that 
Microsoft wants to battle against that.

2 Wireless lan

On the Toshiba N5 the wireless interface was activated and was prompting me 
about several availlable lan-networks.
Orca was reporting that the window was inaccessible.
Is this a class which has to be added too?

We'll need to take a look, but it might be that the dialog that appears is not 
communicating well with the AT-SPI.  The cause could be various things, such 
as using a toolkit that doesn't support the AT-SPI or the environment in which 
the application is running isn't set up to support the AT-SPI.  I'll try to 
keep an eye out for this app and examine it with accerciser next time it 
appears.  Off the top of your head, do you know the name of the binary that is 
used to make this dialog appear?

No, it was a set of the Toshiba driverset.
Perhaps that is the problem.
I cannot look it up again.
The laptop was from Sun Microsystems, but i have made many more notes.

Do you have Skype.
Please mail me privat if you want to talk things over.

Greetings and thanks,


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