Re: Orca unable to install the latest orca

Hi Aruni.  If you typed the package name exactly as you typed it in your
message, the problem is spelling. It's gnome-devel (ending in e l).

Hope this helps!

On Sat, 2006-11-25 at 18:19 +0530, Aruni Sharma wrote:
Hello friends, I tried installing the latest orca but did not succeed. I
followed the steps suggested in the wicky. when I try installing
gnome-devil I get the error: could not find gnome-devil package. Please
note that I edited the /etc/apt/sources.list file as suggested and
issued the command "sudo apt-get update" and then "sudo apt-get install
gnome-devil build-essential automake1.9 python2.4-dev" 
after I failed in install gnome-devil I ttied the next step by going in
to the uncompressed orca folder and issued the command "./configure
--prefix=/usr; sudo make; sudo make install" I get the following error
compiler error: cannot create executable file. make*** no target file
specified and no makefile found stop ***
make *** no rule to make target install stop


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