Re: Orca A hotkey for starting / (was, Re: menu placement and setup GUI in Ubuntu)

Hi all.

What about assigning a new keybinding?  I just assigned Orca to be
command_1 and Windows Key (aka Super) S as the keystroke associated with
run_command_1.  Seems to work....

In the long run, it might be handy for Metacity to have specific entries
for the various AT apps along with predictable (yet configurable)
keybindings.  In the meantime, however, is there any reason why Ubuntu
couldn't pick a command (doesn't have to be command_1) and associate an
infrequently-used keystroke to it? I think doing so would solve the
problem of the average end user being able to reliably start Orca....

Take care.

On Sat, 2006-08-26 at 15:49 -0400, Al Puzzuoli wrote:
Hi Henrik,

My thought is that the dynamic loading of at-spi shouldn't necessarily be 
viewed as a prerequisite here.  Granted, the need to enable accessibility, 
logout and then log back in is an inconvenience; However, we're going to 
face that issue no matter how we start Orca.  In fact, the addition of a 
hotkey would help to minimize that inconvenience for now.  For example, 
consider if a user were starting  orca for the first time via the run 
dialog. in that case, they would twice need to type alt-f2, followed by orca 
and enter.  Once to let Orca enable accessibility, and again after logging 
out and back in.  With the implementation of a hotkey, the process of 
launching Orca twice could be reduced from around 12 keystrokes to 2.  This 
example doesn't even account for additional keystrokes caused by typos, or 
uncertainties due to not knowing one's location on the desktop, etc.


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