Re: Orca A hotkey for starting / (was, Re: menu placement and setup GUI in Ubuntu)

Hi Henrik,

My thought is that the dynamic loading of at-spi shouldn't necessarily be viewed as a prerequisite here. Granted, the need to enable accessibility, logout and then log back in is an inconvenience; However, we're going to face that issue no matter how we start Orca. In fact, the addition of a hotkey would help to minimize that inconvenience for now. For example, consider if a user were starting orca for the first time via the run dialog. in that case, they would twice need to type alt-f2, followed by orca and enter. Once to let Orca enable accessibility, and again after logging out and back in. With the implementation of a hotkey, the process of launching Orca twice could be reduced from around 12 keystrokes to 2. This example doesn't even account for additional keystrokes caused by typos, or uncertainties due to not knowing one's location on the desktop, etc.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Henrik Nilsen Omma" <henrik ubuntu com>
To: "Orca screen reader developers" <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2006 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: Orca A hotkey for starting / (was, Re: menu placement and setup GUI in Ubuntu)

Al Puzzuoli wrote:
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to respond to the portion of this message concerning the process of starting Orca. No specific mention was made of this , but I believe it
would be  very helpful if in addition to the other options discussed, the
desktop were to include a default hotkey for launching the program.  The
problem with all the other options is that to some extent, all of them
require navigating in the dark so to speak, and involve an element of
I've used similar hotkeys in Windows and Mac OS, and in my experience, the
ability to walk up to any machine, knowing that there will be a quick and
dirty way to start the screen reader has been invaluable.

I think that's a very good idea. However it has one important
prerequisite: that AT-SPI can be loaded dynamically. I think that is
something we should work towards anyway. What are the technical hurdles
for this again?

On OSX when you activate screen reading from the standard user settings
area, it just starts speaking, without the need to activate a framework
first or log out. Whether they have the required libraries running all
the time or load them dynamically I don't know, but it 'just works'.

I don't think we can have AT-SPI loaded by default on all machines ATM
because it will get in the way for too many people. It uses resources
and has stability issues (within itself, but mostly in the host
applications I guess).

- Henrik

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