Re: Orca Missing description in planner's toggle button

Mike Pedersen wrote:
I believe this is called a Ribbon in GUI terms. The wider you have the planner window, the more of them you see as graphical button in a single strip of "ribbon". The rest of the items are put in a popup menu (single line text entries) which you can bring up by clicking on the arrow button to the right of the ribbon

Planner should have some accessible name/description for this component.
I'll file a bug on Monday.

We can easily work around this in the Orca script.
Mike, what would you like to see spoken/brailled here?
It sounds like we will see this situation in more places than just the
planner.  Can you give me more applications where we will see this behavior?
I'd like to come up with a generic answer if possible.

I've not seen this in any other GNOME GUI. I understand Windows Vista is
going to use it in a big way though.

I suggest we take the approach we've used before, of just doing something in the specific script ( in this case), until we come across another instance
of it. Then we can generalize it and move it up to

As Will pointed out, we should be focused on the higher priority items that
we still need to do (like proper keyboard echo), so once you have the phrase
you'd like spoken/brailled there, I'd like to just work with one of the Orca
community members (Javier maybe?), to generate a change to make this work.
I'll then be happy to check it over and commit it when it's looking good.



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