Re: Making ORBit work with MS VS compilers

Hi Tor,

On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 1:06 AM, Tor Lillqvist <tml iki fi> wrote:
>  Hmm, so you are planning on still using libtool even if you compile
>  with MSVC? I thought your plan was to build it completely from the
>  IDE, i.e. create project and solution files etc.

Sorry if I wasn't that clear. I'm interested in building it with the
MS VC toolchain, not necessarily with Visual Studio. :-) I don't even
have VS (unless, of course, I get my employer to allow me to work on
it, then I'd have access to VS - but even then, we don't use VS to
build anything at work, we actually use cygwin, but with MS's

> Or at least to use
>  nmake and its makefiles. Is it then only because you want to be able
>  to use the Visual Studio debugger that you want to compile ORBit2 for
>  Windows with the MS compiler? You do know that one can already build
>  it using mingw, right?

I know it's possible to build it with mingw. But I started looking at
this because we're looking for something like ORBit for a project at
work. We don't want C++, and so far we've been playing with ILU (which
I really don't like very much, even though it works, for some value of
works). And at work, on Windows, we only use MS compilers, and I don't
see that changing anytime soon.

I actually have very little experience with VS (even less than with
autotools), so at this point it's much easier for me to just put
together a few custom makefiles to make sure I can compile things and
they work.

>  Using libtool, and relying on some Unixish build environment like MSYS
>  or Interix, is bound to mean that at least some potential developers
>  won't be interested in taking part.

Yeah, I understand that. It's just that I'm not really a Windows
developer, and my interest in doing this is not related to integration
with VS, just in using MS's compiler toolchain.

Marcelo Vanzin
mmvgroups gmail com
"Life's too short to drink cheap beer."

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