Re: cpp: World duly helloed

Hi Murray,

On Sun, 2002-03-10 at 19:59, Murray Cumming wrote:
> I guess that you meant stubs, not skels. If so:


> We use the stub reference in the _this() method, which you can see in
> the generated example code. I checked this here:

	Grief; you mean that if you call servant.this () you get a client side
handle to that servant ? that sounds like a recepie for disaster. What
if there are multiple possible handles to the same servant ? how does it
interact with the innumerable POA tricks you can pull ? what about for a
de-activated servant ?

	It seems strange to me that that should be the case, but perhaps I'm
missing something. It would seem to me that having _this produce a
client reference is somewhat strange, but I havn't read the C++ spec.



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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