Re: Setup for multiple different gsm.sim-operator-id?

On Wed, 4 Sep 2019 at 22:43, Thomas Haller <thaller redhat com> wrote:
On Wed, 2019-09-04 at 21:59 +0200, Einar Jón wrote:
On Wed, 4 Sep 2019 at 17:11, Thomas Haller <thaller redhat com>
On Wed, 2019-09-04 at 16:46 +0200, Einar Jón via networkmanager-
I think that is not possible, you would need a different connection
profile for each operator.
I was thinking of doing that, creating profiles

But grabbing
IMSI=$(mmcli -m XX| awk /operator id/ ...)
and calling
nmcli c do-stuff modem$IMSI
seems to be the wrong way to use NetworkManager.

I think you would create each profile only once.

Afterwards, you should be able to

  nmcli device connect $MODEM

and then (depending on the SIM), only one of the profiles is a
suitable candidate to activate. You can set properties in the profile
that tie to the operator, can't you?

The only problem is that you have a larger number of profiles,
and that you need to create them (once).
I think we are talking about the same thing. Or I don't understand.
My device ($MODEM) is always cdc-wdm0. I have a python script
that creates multiple profiles that are identical apart from the
[gsm] block that has different values for sim-operator-id, apn
(and optional username, password and network-id).

I tried the multi-setup stuff, and it is much easier than I thought.
So now I have 7 mobileXXXX profiles and NM is smart enough
to get the correct one and connect on startup, without even needing
nmcli device connect $MODEM

$ nmcli connection
NAME                UUID                                  TYPE      DEVICE
eth0                7f79871d-15ff-446a-b1c3-5978c81c176b  ethernet  eth0
eth1                5317eb97-1514-4852-b120-ab4fa9173350  ethernet  eth1
mobile20404         ef48d247-00df-433a-bf6a-97ad54e3b757  gsm       cdc-wdm0
mobile21407         b9d37621-32c9-4073-8848-86dd8814f503  gsm       --
<snip> 4 similar lines <snip>
mobile234507        3d473ad6-7a25-4130-bc61-c2e987bcfa2a  gsm       --
Wired connection 1  d82449b5-69e2-33c3-944d-c132881f9052  ethernet  --

So... Now I just need a way to get the connection name. Is there a
better way than
nmcli c | awk '/cdc-wdm0/ {print $1}'

And I managed to make a case when none of the profiles connects (set to a provider that isn't in range).
Then it doesn't activate any profile, and it seems like there is no
hope to start the modem.
This is a feature our customers need, that instead of connecting to
the IMSI of the sim card (like 21407), we prefer to roam with operator
If that fails, fall back on normal roaming. Is that doable? Am I using wrong?

Note there is merge-request [1]. If that gets merged, the APN
would be automatically read from the mobile-broadband-provider-info
file. That should solve your issue in a different way.

That might work. If I can put my own apns and passwords in the
mobile-broadband-provider-info file I'd get the same result.
I guess I could just play around with the patches a bit.

Einar Jón


Einar Jón
+31 610 957234

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