Setup for multiple different gsm.sim-operator-id?


A bit of a newbie question, but is it possible to set up
NetworkManager to use (one of) multiple SIM cards?

We have an embedded (headless) device that can use a few different
operators. Only one will be used at a time, but I can't be certain
which one.
So having them all somehow available would be preferred.

Basically, I'd like to set up a connection that has 5 blocks of values of
Everything else should be the same.

Then it connects using the APN of the sim-operator-id that matches the
"operator id" that I get from "mmcli -m <number>"

What is a sensible way to handle multiple mobile operators in NetworkManager?
I have access to nmcli and nmtui, but no graphical tools.

Einar Jón

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