Re: Running NM without systemd

On Tue, 2017-05-02 at 16:23 +0100, Colin Helliwell wrote:
On 02 May 2017 at 16:07 Dan Williams <dcbw redhat com> wrote:

On Tue, 2017-05-02 at 15:54 +0100, colin helliwell ln-systems com

I'm hoping to use NetworkManager on a system which doesn't have
systemd . So
far I'm hitting a few dependency problems but, before I start
to wade
through them I wanted to check that what I'm trying to achieve

*   or is systemd essential for NM?

systemd should not be essential for NM. The various points of
integration (suspend/resume, hostname, session-tracking, journal,
should be either build-time or runtime selectable.

What ./configure or ./autogen arguments are you using? What errors
you getting?


Thanks for confirming that, Dan. Gives me hope (if not enthusiasm :S)
for pushing on with the goal.
As I say, I've only made a very brief stab at it so far, building
under Yocto. But the first one I've hit is consolekit being missing
[from the overall Yocto image recipes].
Because this causes an an initial dependency parsing error then I
don't yet get as for as the configure step, but on the recipe version
*with* systemd, the configure line was

../git/configure  --build=x86_64-linux              --host=arm-poky-
linux-gnueabi                   --target=arm-poky-linux-
gnueabi                 --prefix=/usr                   
--exec_prefix=/usr              --bindir=/usr/bin               
--datadir=/usr/share            --sysconfdir=/etc               
--localstatedir=/var            --libdir=/usr/lib               
--mandir=/usr/share/man                 --disable-silent-
rules                  --disable-dependency-
tracking                   --with-libtool-sysroot=/home/colin/100051-
trunk/fsl-community-bsp/build/tmp/sysroots/wg2xx-tx6s --enable-
introspection       --disable-ifcfg-rh     --disable-ifnet     
--disable-ifcfg-suse     --disable-more-warnings     --with-
iptables=/usr/sbin/iptables     --with-nmtui=no     --enable-
tests=no     --enable-polkit=disabled  --disable-polkit-agent     
--disable-gtk-doc  --disable-gtk-doc-html     --disable-
introspection     --enable-vala=no    --disable-static --enable-nls
--disable-bluez5-dun --with-dhclient=/sbin/dhclient --enable-ifupdown 
--with-modem-manager-1=yes --with-netconfig=no --with-crypto=nss --
enable-ppp --disable-qt --with-resolvconf=no      --with-
systemdsystemunitdir=/lib/systemd/system --with-session-
tracking=systemd  --enable-wifi=no


What's the ConsoleKit dep issue?  In current NM it's just a D-Bus
thing, so there shouldn't be any hard dependency on headers or
libraries.  You'll probably get a log message error, but that should be
it I think.


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