Re: Two WLANs with the same SSID but different connection names

Alexander Karlstad <alexander karlstad be> writes:

>> So, if you have two networks with the same SSID and both use WPA/WPA2,
>> then NM will select the *last used* connection.  Because, for all NM
>> knows (and a lot of other wifi managers too) they are the same network
>> because they use the same SSID and same security type.  It's pretty bad
>> network planning to use the same SSID for actually different networks.
> But this is not two different networks per se. The Eduroam-network is
> used all over the world at different educational institutions. The
> only difference here is that I have a user account at two different
> colleges, and sometimes you just get basic access when using a
> username/password from a different college. That's why I want to be
> able to use the two separatley.
> The workaround was disabling autoconnect for this network, but it
> feels very much like a bug when I manually select which network I want
> to connect to doesn't work. Even though DBUS tells me it's using the
> right cridentials.
> Maybe it's possible for someone else to test this?

Perhaps a better way of describing eduroam is not that there are two
networks per-se, but rather you have two sets of authentication
credentials that you want to use on the same network, and you want to be
able to choose which set of credentials to use for any particular


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
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