Re: Subject: Wrong SIM-Pin not detected by MM?

On 15 November 2011 09:12, Thomas Bechtold <thomasbechtold jpberlin de> wrote:

> i just tested with a N900.It's more a general question and not a specific
> problem with the N900.

Ok. Then my general remark would be: Aren't all phones used like that,
that they are first powered on and registered to the network? So the
PIN is entered using the UI of the phone before MM gets involved.

I don't understand why a PIN would be used in any way when opening a
modem connection on a phone.

To my understanding (which is not very detailed) MM asks the PIN state
from the modem. In the case of a phone the answer should never be PIN
required. At least Nokia phones don't require the PIN to make a modem
connection. (I have not tried what happens if the phone is in offline



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