Re: Basic questions [Was: How to monitor NM progress?]

On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 02:50:46PM +0100, Marc Herbert wrote:
> > So, the device is not managed if and only if the STATE field ==
> > 'unavailable' ?
> I do not think so:
> LC_ALL=C nmcli dev
> DEVICE     TYPE              STATE       
> eth1       802-3-ethernet    unmanaged   
> eth0       802-3-ethernet    unmanaged   
> > [I am a bit embarassed to ask such basic questions, but I am unable
> > to find a comprehensive NM documentation, and reading its sources is
> > a bit resource consuming].

In this page, I do not see an answer to the following question: is it
possible to tell nm-applet to _not_ display unmanaged interfaces at all ?

Thanks for all the answers so far btw.

Rafal Wojtczuk

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