Basic questions [Was: How to monitor NM progress?]

On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 07:21:45PM +0400, Andrey Borzenkov wrote:
> On Tuesday 14 of September 2010 16:48:45 Rafal Wojtczuk wrote:
> > 
> > Alternatively, is there a way to retrieve all interfaces names that NM
> > is supposed to manage ?
> > 
> For a start
> {pts/1}% LC_ALL=C nmcli dev
> DEVICE     TYPE              STATE       
> wlan0      802-11-wireless   connected   
> eth0       802-3-ethernet    unavailable 

So, the device is not managed if and only if the STATE field ==
'unavailable' ?

[I am a bit embarassed to ask such basic questions, but I am unable to find
a comprehensive NM documentation, and reading its sources is a bit resource

Another basic question no 1: how can I tell NM to keep its hands off a particular
interface ? I tried adding (in the [main] section of

and (in the [keyfile])

FE:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF being the address of Xen vif interface. 
But nevetheless,
/usr/lib64/pm-utils/sleep.d/55NetworkManager suspend
still ifconfigs all vif devices down, and this tears down the custom routes
set via these devices; these routes are not restored on resume, which is bad.
Perhaps it is a bug.

Another basic question no 2:
how can I tell NM to keep its hands off /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward ?


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