Re: Unable to connect to mobile broadband: +CME ERROR:30

Am Donnerstag, den 14.10.2010, 11:09 +0200 schrieb Dan Williams
<dcbw redhat com>:
> On Thu, 2010-10-14 at 09:30 +0200, van Schelve wrote:
>> Am Mittwoch, den 13.10.2010, 21:00 +0200 schrieb van Schelve
>> <public van-schelve de>:
>> > Am Mittwoch, den 13.10.2010, 12:49 +0200 schrieb Dan Williams
>> > <dcbw redhat com>:
>> >> On Mon, 2010-10-11 at 10:43 +0200, van Schelve wrote:
>> >>> Hi,
>> >>>
>> >>> I found a different problem where I get reports from our users in the
>> >>> field. They tell us that they are not able to connect to mobile
>> >>> network.
>> >>>
>> >>> In the logs I captured I found a cme error 30 which means "No network
>> >>> service". I tried it two or three times with still the same problem.
>> >>> Then I tested with a second identical laptop with an identical setup
>> >>> and I was able to bring up the mobile connection on this system without
>> >>> any problem.
>> >>>
>> >>> So I decided to use the rfkill switch on the laptop where I found the
>> >>> problem with the result that dialin was possible after doing th rfkill
>> >>> cycle.
>> >>
>> >> Interesting; your module seems to have firmware, while I have 3
>> >> different modules with,, and  I think
>> >> screwed my device though, so don't try it.  I've noticed odd
>> >> problems like this on other Sierra devices in the past that were solved
>> >> by firmware updates (AC875 and AC881), but it's pretty hard to find
>> >> firmware upgrades for their  embedded modules.  Do you know offhand if
>> >> any of the devices in the field has other firmware than
>> >
>> > We have completely identical hardware in the field. All the systems are
>> > Lenovo Thinkpad T61 with identical BIOS 2.10 version and the same
>> > firmware
>> > on the embedded sierra device : I think changing the firmware
>> > to
>> > a different version woud be a really bad option. Our systems are spread
>> > all over germany and I don't think the firmware update would be
>> > possible
>> > under linux.
>> I talked about this problem with a contact at SierraWireless. He said
>> that
>> a firmware upgrade will not help in this case. But what can help is
>> checking
>> for PS attach and dial only if PS attach status is attached. Dialing
>> without
>> PS attach can bring modem into unwanted condition that sometimes
>> restart is
>> needed to recover.
> Hmm, interesting.  I'll try a few things out then.
> Dan
Hi Dan,

I got an additional hint I'll forward to you now:

Since you have enabled +CREG=2 notification for registration, there is
no need to query registration status. Let the modem find the network and
register and you will be notified. So, do not execute +CREG?
Do not attempt PPP connection unless there is PS attach. As I mentioned
before, check for PS attach status after you have received registration.


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