NM can't save password of VPN connection in system scope

Hi all,
I'm using NM-0.7.2 with nm-pptp-0.7.2 and nm-applet-0.7.2, and find NM can't save password of VPN connection in system scope.

It seems these's no way for NM to read user entered password, and hence no way for nm-system-setting to save the password.

The reason is:
Only the function imlementing save_secrets method of NMVpnPluginUiWidgetInterface can read user entered password from the GtkEntry widget, but "save_secrets" is only called for user-scope settings.

Also auth-dialog doesn't support reading/saving password.

Though, the read path is ok for nm-connection-editor:
I've add a section "vpn-secrets" with an a key-value "password=xxxxx" in tha system-connection key_file, then nm-connection-editor can read the manually set password.

Any idea?

-- cee1

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