Re: NM can't save password of VPN connection in system scope

On Tue, 2010-02-23 at 17:29 +0800, cee1 wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm using NM-0.7.2 with nm-pptp-0.7.2 and nm-applet-0.7.2, and find NM
> can't save password of VPN connection in system scope.
> It seems these's no way for NM to read user entered password, and
> hence no way for nm-system-setting to save the password.
> The reason is:
> Only the function imlementing save_secrets method of
> NMVpnPluginUiWidgetInterface can read user entered password from the
> GtkEntry widget, but "save_secrets" is only called for user-scope
> settings.
> Also auth-dialog doesn't support reading/saving password.
> Though, the read path is ok for nm-connection-editor:
> I've add a section "vpn-secrets" with an a key-value "password=xxxxx"
> in tha system-connection key_file, then nm-connection-editor can read
> the manually set password.
> Any idea?

For system settings, all necessary passwords are required to exist
already in system scope, because system settings are available before
login, and of course if the user isn't there to type them in, the
connection is not usable.  Thus I'd expect that for a system connection,
the passwords should be already defined...


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