Re: Network Manager patched on Ubuntu Karmic 9.10

On Tue, 2009-11-17 at 09:36 +0000, Cian Masterson wrote:
> 2009/11/17 Louigi Verona <louigi verona gmail com>:
> > 2. When I boot the system, NM would try to automatically connect to some
> > Wired connection lfupdown (eth1). It seems to be there by default. Since I
> > have no wired connection, it of course, always fails. I cannot edit it, the
> > Edit button is grayed out when I select this connection. I tried making my
> > DSL connection automatically connect, but then it begins to ask for password
> > and says again "Insufficient privileges" and I have to start over again. Is
> > there any way to remove this default non-existing connection?
> This happened to me too, although in my case it was "ifupdown (eth3)".
>  This left my laptop with no network access because my wired
> connection (which was eth5 in Jaunty) wasn't being recognised.  I
> tried editing /etc/network/interfaces by hand but that didn't work
> either.  Long story short I deleted /etc/network/interfaces, rebooted
> the machine and eth5 magically reappeared and everything worked fine
> after that.
> Better minds than mine will know what actually happened but I am
> assuming that a missing /etc/network/interfaces forced Ubuntu/Network
> Manager to re-scan the hardware or something.  As per usual if you try
> this route yourself I recommend moving /etc/network/interfaces to
> /etc/network/interfaces.broken or something instead of deleting it.
> YMMV but this worked for me.

If people are running into problems like this on Ubuntu, the best thing
to do to help debug the issue is to either file a bug report in
Launchpad, or grab your /var/log/NetworkManager.log file, or if that
doesn't exist /var/log/daemon.log and send it to this list so that we
can try to figure out what's going on.

Especially int he case of PPPoE/DSL, to debug further you can:

1) stop NetworkManager
2) as root, run NetworkManager like this:

NM_PPP_DEBUG=1 /usr/sbin/NetworkManager --no-daemon

3) try to reproduce the issue
4) send the NetworkManager debug output to this list


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