Re: Multiple VPNs and resolvconf


I had a look at this again (the behaviour, not the code) and I think
that NetworkManager modifies /etc/resolv.conf directly.

What about simply using resolvconf and letting the problem solve itself?


Paul Wouters schrieb:
> On Mon, 10 Aug 2009, Graham Lyon wrote:
>> What about some method of checking which domains the dns on the end of
>> the VPN is authorative for and only looking up that domain on that dns?
>> Excuse my ignorance of dns if this is not possible...
> You cannot tell. Both the internal and external zone would have
> authorative name servers. Except one has different content from the
> other. There is no signal to say which you're supposed to be querying
> other then "use the vpn if we tell you too", which leads us to the
> original problem.
> Paul
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Dominik George

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