fqdn, dhclient.conf and networkmanager ?

Hello all !

I have a question regarding using NetworkManager and dhclient.conf, 
maybe i don't understand this right, but however. 

I would like to use NetworkManager but it seems like im not able to
apply the same commands to the dhcp server as with dhclient, is
NetworkManager using dhclient or does it gets its ip in some other
way ? 

I need the same behavior with NetworkManager as a have with dhclient,
regarding the options for dynamic update. This is how my dhclient.conf
looks today, and i need Networkmanagar to act the same, 

send fqdn.fqdn "hostname.";
send fqdn.encoded off;
send fqdn.server-update off;
append domain-search "foo.bar.com","foo2.bar.com";

is that possible ? And if it is possible, why does it not update my dns
when i choose to connect trough networkmanager icon -> eth0, it says
that im connected and everything seems to work fine, except the dns
update. What it does update thou is the PTR, but i need it to update the
A to. 
However if i manually run /sbin/dhclient eth0, it directly updates the A
record on the dns. 

/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 has this inside, 
SEARCH="foo.bar.com, foo2.bar.com"; 

Thanks for any advices or suggestions, 
Best regard, 
Patrik Martinsson, Sweden. 

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