Re: openvpn and network manager

On Sat, 2008-05-31 at 10:42 +0300, Dimitris Zilaskos wrote:
> > By default, NetworkManager will route all traffic through the VPN, so
> > the server supplied routes with a TUN connection are usually moot (as
> > long as the VPN gateway knows how to route things properly). If you
> > don't want to route all traffic through the VPN, you can manually
> > specify which subnets should be routed through the VPN in the advanced
> > properties dialog.
> I have tried specifying the route manually, and it is not working. If I 
> understand correctly what networkmanager is doing, this is caused because
> it treats my TAP interface as a Point-to-Point link, while it actually creates a network bridge:

Right, I forgot about that part of the problem. I really need to sit
down and set up a TAP openvpn server to test this stuff out with and see
what I can come up with. As Dan mentioned earlier, Tambet has a patch
that will clean up routing in NMIP4Config (not sure what all that
covers). After that, we need to figure out how to optionally specify a
gateway (and device?) for each route. All the information we need is
available to us, its just a matter of getting it between the openvpn
plugin and NM and having NM do the right thing.


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