Re: Stop nm-system-settings when NM is stopped

On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 02:13:42PM +0100, Michael Biebl wrote:
> Hi guys,
> since NM 0.7 has hit the Debian archive, I got several bug reports, where users
> changed the configuration in /etc/network/interfaces, restarted NetworkManager
> (via /etc/init.d/network-manager restart), and wondered, why their changes were
> not picked up.
> The reason is, that nm-system-settings keeps running, when you restart the
> NetworkManager daemon.
> One obvious answer to this issue, is to monitor /etc/network/interfaces (and
> /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/,
> /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf for that matter) via inotify in the
> nm-system-settings service.

I talked about inotify of config files to multiple devs in ubuntu and
there was not a single positive feedback at all. The huge consent is
that inotifying on config files is just evil and whatever upstream
does we should definitly patch such behaviour out - whatever
comes. (btw, this all came up because we do that for /etc/hostname in
ifupdown plugin, so this should also be done differently).

Instead admins expect to get a tool to manually apply/reload when
changes are done.

> Nonetheless, I think nm-system-settings should stop running, whenever
> NetworkManager is stopped (just as it is started, whenever NM is started).
> Now I'm wondering, what the best way is, to do that:
> Should we just extend the init scripts and add a "killall nm-system-settings".
> Or should nm-system-settings monitor NetworkManager (via D-Bus) and shut down as
> soon as the org.freedesktop.NetworkManager goes away.

Right, a simple solution would be to provide a "reload" command which
then killall nm-system-settings.

However, I think there is a bug in NM that doesnt give system settings
enough time to restart and directly disconnects and creates an auto
connection. (i saw some code that is supposed to give the restart some
time, but i think that doesnt work).

> Thoughts, Opinions?

Yes, /etc/init.d/NetworkManager reload should be implemented (either
killall or exposing a dbus method)

 - Alexander

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