Re: FC8

>  Umtsmon deliberately does not use HAL, since it is meant as a temporary
>  solution until NM is ready, and it is intended to be usable on a little bit
>  older systems that might not have the latest HAL. Umtsmon is not intended to
>  be a backend for anything, and it would be pretty hard to hack it into that.

Ah, sorry, I misunderstood you.

>  Again: i was objecting the "we cannot do this because the evil card
>  maufacturers don't provide specs", which is the answer to every inquiry about
>  proper 3G support and is, IMVHO plain FUD.
>  It is possible.
>  It has been done.

I guess the truth is somewhere in the middle. The main reason why NM
support for mobile devices is lacking is that it's almost good enough
for now (0.7 release) (the PIN entering you mentioned is a small bug
and can be easily fixed). Some other parts of NM aren't.


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