Re: Network Manager Editor's "Last Used" functionality

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Sam Morris wrote:
> On Fri, 04 Apr 2008 15:20:52 -0400, Dan Williams wrote:
>> On Thu, 2008-04-03 at 23:03 -0700, Jerry Jaskierny wrote:
>>> I upgraded to Ubuntu's Hardy Heron beta within the past few days.  This
>>> upgraded included the Network Manager Editor -- congratulations on the
>>> completion of a very useful tool!
>>> Upon perusal of this new tool, I found 2 fields that confused me:  the
>>> Last Used fields for date and time.  I anticipate that these fields
>>> would be updated automatically (by the Network Manager, not the user?)
>>> to the last time a person logged on to (or logged off) that network. 
>>> But I see users have the ability to set these fields with a button
>>> labelled "Calendar" for the date and a drop-down type list for times.
>>> I see no documentation for this functionality on the Network Manager
>>> website[1], nothing in the applications "Help" section, nor a mention
>>> of it in the Network Manager mailing list archive. Is my idea of how
>>> this functionality works correct?  If so, what benefitted utility does
>>> the user gain from these?  If not, can someone explain the
>>> functionality of these items for which they were designed?
>> I think the original writers of the tool were just exposing everything
>> in GConf :)  I think you're right, there really isn't a good use-case
>> for exposing that control.  If there aren't reasonable, strenuous
>> objections, I'll remove it for the next release.
> I'd find it handy if the list on the left-hand side of the window 
> contained the last-used time alonside the SSID. That way the list could 
> be sorted by SSID or by last-used time. It could even be displayed in 
> human-readable format ("yesterday", "one week ago", "six months ago", 
> etc.) 

I agree there. I think it's good to show it (KNetworkManager does), but
not to be able to set it with a calendar button. That doesn't make a
whole lot of a sense.

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 |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Systems Programmer II
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