Re: NetworkManager doesn't show all APs

On Mon, 2007-01-15 at 12:05 -0800, Xamindar wrote:
> I don't know if this is a "feature" or not but NetworkManager never 
> shows multiple APs of the same name for me.  There should be 3 in range 
> where I am but it only shows one.  I often have problems connecting to 
> this network under linux probably because it is trying to associate to 
> one of the ones barely in range. 
> I also posted about it not showing multiple linksys networks a while 
> back but didn't get much response about it.  Is this planned to be fixed 
> or is it how it is going to stay?

Yes, we'll separate out networks based on things like:

1) Mode: adhoc vs infrastructure
2) Band: a vs. b/g
3) Encryption (maybe): WEP vs none vs WPA

But we're still going to aggregate SSIDs that have the same
characteristics in the menu.  So if you have a few networks around that
all have the SSID 'linksys', and they are all unencrypted, they will be
coalesced into one item in the menu.  We may add the ability to only
associate with a set of BSSIDs in 0.7 with the new config stuff, but
that certainly won't be default and you'll have to manually configure

At least in the gnome applet, we're not going to break out every BSSID
and show each one item by item in the menu, that's just madness.

The other thing I'd like to do for 0.7 if there's time is to allow full
access to every network from the dbus API and rely on the client-side
GUI applets to coalesce networks appropriately.


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