Re: dhcp client overwriting vpnc resolv.conf

On Sun, 2007-01-14 at 19:07 +0100, Steinar Bang wrote:
> >>>>> Dan Williams <dcbw redhat com>:
> > This is optional.  If you don't have bind installed, NetworkManager
> > will manually rewrite resolv.conf with the appropriate information.
> Ok.  This is appearently what happens.  Does it have to be bind?  Or
> will other dbus aware DNS servers (eg. newer versions of dnsmasq)
> work?
> > But you must make sure that other tools don't overwrite resolv.conf
> > underneath NM.
> As far as I know, the only writers to resolv.conf right now
> (dhcp3-client and vpnc) are both NM/dbus aware.

vpnc certainly isn't NM/dbus aware out of the box.  You need to use the
NM vpnc VPN plugin, and then stuff will just work.  Are you currently
using vpnc from the command line?


> > If you _do_ have bind installed in a caching-nameserver
> > configuration, and you are using the dbus patches for bind, then
> > NetworkManager will send all DNS information to bind, and always
> > write to resolv.conf.
> Ok.  So it should all happen automagically when everything is in
> place?  I haven't gotten this to happen yet.
> I haven't dared try bind9 yet, which is in upstream version 9.3.2 for
> both dapper and edgy, and doesn't mention dbus in the "Debian
> changelog" of either
> However dnsmasq, which is in upstream version 2.25 for dapper, and 
> upstream version 2.33 for edgy, mentions dbus in the "Debian
> changelog" of the edgy version (link from the bottom of the page
> of the edgy URL below): 
> It says:
>  "Compile in Dbus support now that suitable Dbus packages exist."
> I just tried apting in the dapper version of dnsmasq just to see what
> happens, but nothing much seemed to happen with resolv.conf and
> friends (which is as expected).
> I haven't upgraded to edgy yet, because I've seen some negative
> experiences on that (which is unlike what I saw when I went from
> breezy to dapper), and my system basically works, so why rock the
> boat...? 
> But the overwritten resolv.conf is very annoying when working with
> VPN, so maybe I should reconsider upgrading...?
> Thanx for the info!
> - Steinar
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