Re: dhcp client overwriting vpnc resolv.conf

>>>>> Dan Williams <dcbw redhat com>:

> This is optional.  If you don't have bind installed, NetworkManager
> will manually rewrite resolv.conf with the appropriate information.

Ok.  This is appearently what happens.  Does it have to be bind?  Or
will other dbus aware DNS servers (eg. newer versions of dnsmasq)

> But you must make sure that other tools don't overwrite resolv.conf
> underneath NM.

As far as I know, the only writers to resolv.conf right now
(dhcp3-client and vpnc) are both NM/dbus aware.

> If you _do_ have bind installed in a caching-nameserver
> configuration, and you are using the dbus patches for bind, then
> NetworkManager will send all DNS information to bind, and always
> write to resolv.conf.

Ok.  So it should all happen automagically when everything is in
place?  I haven't gotten this to happen yet.

I haven't dared try bind9 yet, which is in upstream version 9.3.2 for
both dapper and edgy, and doesn't mention dbus in the "Debian
changelog" of either

However dnsmasq, which is in upstream version 2.25 for dapper, and 
upstream version 2.33 for edgy, mentions dbus in the "Debian
changelog" of the edgy version (link from the bottom of the page
of the edgy URL below):

It says:
 "Compile in Dbus support now that suitable Dbus packages exist."

I just tried apting in the dapper version of dnsmasq just to see what
happens, but nothing much seemed to happen with resolv.conf and
friends (which is as expected).

I haven't upgraded to edgy yet, because I've seen some negative
experiences on that (which is unlike what I saw when I went from
breezy to dapper), and my system basically works, so why rock the

But the overwritten resolv.conf is very annoying when working with
VPN, so maybe I should reconsider upgrading...?

Thanx for the info!

- Steinar

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