Re: dhcp client overwriting vpnc resolv.conf

On Sun, 2007-01-07 at 15:16 +0100, Steinar Bang wrote:
> Platform: Intel Pentium M, Ubuntu dapper,
> 	   TrueMobile 1370 WLAN with the bcm43xx driver,
> 	   network-manager-gnome 0.6.2-0ubuntu7linux2go2
> 	   network-manager 0.6.2-0ubuntu7linux2go2
> 	   network-manager-vpnc 0.6.2-0ubuntu0linux2go1
> I've installed the network-manager packages from linux2go, ie. the apt
> line 
>  deb dapper main
> They work, ie. I'm able to connect to WEP (but not WPA) networks and I
> can open VPNC connections to work.
> However, one problem with the VPNC support, is that the dhcp client
> regularily overwrites the VPNC client's /etc/resolv.conf.
> This web page
> seems to indicate that network manager uses BIND to do local caching
> of DNS information, and presumably mediate between different sources
> of DNS information (ie. the DNS server set by the DHCP client, and the
> DNS server set by VPNC).

This is optional.  If you don't have bind installed, NetworkManager will
manually rewrite resolv.conf with the appropriate information.  But you
must make sure that other tools don't overwrite resolv.conf underneath

If you _do_ have bind installed in a caching-nameserver configuration,
and you are using the dbus patches for bind, then NetworkManager will
send all DNS information to bind, and always write to


> But as far as I can see with dpkg -l, I don't have BIND installed.
> Is this because of the linux2go version of network-manager I
> installed?  Or is the wiki in the above URL outdated?
> I tried looking at
> but couldn't find any documentation there.  Nor does google come up
> with anything meaningful.
> All pointers and references appreciated!
> Thanx!
> - Steinar
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