Re: Using Separate Keyring

>>> The reason it is not designed like this is for security.  If firefox
>>> stores it's passwords in a keyring ( it doesn't yet ), and you download
>>> random spyware/virus from the web and launch it, with the cookie jar
>>> method the rogue program would have access to all your web passwords.
>>> Right now you would get a pop up, or maybe twenty that ask if that
>>> random program should be allowed to get this information. 
Firstly Jon,

Though I wouldn't want to suggest the one-keyring thing is the correct
solution here,
I don't understand your point about Firefox.

With this hypothetical feature: Surely any spyware/virus running
as/under Firefox
would have access to all keys that Firefox had access to regardless of
whether they
are all authorised to Firefox as a group or each individually.
Alternatively if the
spyware/virus were a separate process then one would expect get a
message saying
"Do you want to allow this spyware access to your entire Firefox keyring?"
just as one would get individual messages now. Or do I miss something
important here?


While developing/testing this interface you must must be creating/editing/
deleting many keys/configs over and over again. But, I wonder how often
a user is likely to do such bulk editing.  One hopes that the NM+ the
will at least get most stuff right most of the time.

As far as a solution, it seems that any a process that is authorized to
use a
keyring, and authorized to edit/use a specific key also has the right to
other applications permission to use a key. 

Perhaps if this became a significant problem and once the location of
your tool has solidified a little, the applet could upon creating the key
also authorize the edit tool?  This implies some kind of trust between
the two binaries and as Jon describes this would be a question of
balancing usability with security.


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