Re: Preferred and not preferred networks option

Hm, I didn't seem to duplicate this behaviour. NM connects to my WEP
secured network, even if appears another open network nearby. NM 0.62.

Anyway, if it helps, I let gnome-keyring store the password of my network.

2006/6/5, tanjack <tanjackopreis yahoo com>:
I guess that others have asked for it, but nm keeps on
connecting to my neighbours (unsecured) network, even
though I changed my own (WPA secured) network's name
to be higher in the alphabet.
cesar-at-zyakannazio-dot-eti-dot-br (page) (blog)
"O Trópico de Câncer separa o Hemisfério Norte do Hemisfério Sul" (Galvão Bueno)

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