Re: [patch] confirm before sending to trash

On 03/16/2011 09:48 AM, Olav Vitters wrote:
> Shift-delete already does that when you enable the real delete option.
Yes. And how is this relevant to our discussion?

> 1) It is not a good solution for the problem
>    Meaning: it works around the problem instead of solving it
Not true. It actually solves the problem pretty nicely. In fact this is
the solution that all other browser with a delete-key use: including
Konqueror, Thunar and Microsoft Explorer.

> 2) Causes maintenance burden
I don't know what you're talking about. An addition that fixes a problem
causes maintenance burden? They all do.

> 3) If workaround is implemented, good solution will never be solved
This is NOT a workaround.

> 4) Confirmation dialogs are bad (enough studies that they're just
>    ignored. e.g. I often automatically click enter before actually
>    thinking about the dialog).

I think I explained myself badly, because you don't seem to have
understood. If you ACCIDENTALLY hit the delete key (for instance, as you
reach for your coffee mug, or as your toddler bangs on the keyboard, or
as your cat walks by when you are in the bathrom....) files are gone in
the trashbin and unless you have nothing better to do than checking your
trashbin everytime you empty it, they may be well gone forever. A dialog
stops that. A key combination may also stop it.
Flashing icons, popups and animations, do not stop that faulty behaviour.

Is it better explained now?

> If you really want to help users, solve the real issue instead of yet
> another dialog.
> As explained, making deletion more annoying is not a solution. Make it
> more visible.
> Note: not a maintainer, just been around for a while.

Giorgio F. Gilestro

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