Re: GEmblemedIcons help

On Thu, 2009-02-12 at 15:09 -0500, David Zeuthen wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-02-11 at 15:11 +0100, Nicolò Chieffo wrote:
> > Hello, I'm writing a patch to show emblemed icons for user special
> > directories (documents, music, etc.)
> > I'm patching GIO so that nautilus automatically gets the icon.
> > 
> > I have a question because when I execute nautilus, they don't get the
> > correct icon, but the standard file icon (not the dir icon, the file
> > icon, so my attempt is not completely wrong)
> I can confirm that this is a bug in Nautilus as I'm seeing the same
> problem when a GDrive, GVolume or GMount returns a GEmblemedIcon.
> The attached patch fixes it for me.

I think we could do better than this if we extract more info from
GtkIconInfo into the NautilusIconInfo. In fact, GtkIconInfo is more or
less based on NautilusIconInfo and we may be able to totally replace
NautilusIconInfo with it.

However, its kinda late, so lets just go with this for now.

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