Re: [Muine] New release soon?

On Di, 2006-01-17 at 23:34 -0800, Peter Johanson wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 17, 2006 at 07:57:31AM +0100, Samuel Abels wrote:
> > Btw, I also noticed that the plugin API had a slight change: The event
> > order of TickEvents/SongChangedEvent was changed in one case, so that
> > now when a SongChangedEvent is emitted, there is no guarantee that the
> > position is already reset to 0.
> Yeah, I really think that's something that should be fixed before the
> release. When originally reported, someone had written a small plugin to
> try to demonstrate the issue, but the problem never seemed to actually
> occur for me. Can folks give me more info on how to actually reproduce?

This can happen in any case when the song is changed while the current
position in the song is > 0, regardless of the backend, format, etc.

The problem is in PlaylistWindow.cs PlaylistWindow.SongChanged() line
1203. SongChangedEvent is emitted before the song is actually changed in
line 1206:

// Do this before actually loading the new song, so that the signals are
// emitted in the right order: SongChangedEvent first, and then
        if (SongChangedEvent != null)
          SongChangedEvent (song);

        if (player.Song != song || restart)
          player.Song = song;

However, reversing the order does not actually fix all problems, because
the setter for Player.Song also sends a tick event, which is too soon.

So I guess in addition to changing the order, the Player.Song setter
must be fixed to *not* emit a tick event, and the first tick needs to be
sent manually when this is desired. But I have not checked the other
places in which a song is changed (and if there are any), it might cause
problems there. Sorry that I do not have the time to fix the issue
myself, I have a lot on the tracks lately.

|      Samuel Abels       |    |
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