Re: Fwd: [Muine] [PATCH] Display album-name in PlaylistWindow.cs

On Sat, Jun 04, 2005 at 05:51:13PM +0200, Lars Strojny wrote:
> I'm really wondering about something: you speak on efficiency but how do
> you solve the following problem: You remember the look of the cover, not
> the band and you want to listen to a song from this album. Currently you
> have to open "Play Album", search the cover, add the whole bunch of
> tracks in it and delete the ones, you are not willing to listen -- or,
> otherwise, open "Play Track" and search for the track.

As I stated previously, I think this is a very valid use case that
demonstrates the problem, and I think the suggested *addition* to Add
Album holds some merit. 

> This is complicated, is it? I would prefer a solution, which is also
> efficient *and* tries to solute wishes, which are there.

What I'm not seeing is how an enhanced 'Add Album' dialog *fails* to
solve the problem you had, and completely changing the way adding
songs/albums is done currently fixes it.

> Also I'm not quite sure, if you understand my concept right: what I
> propose would not be less efficient, if it is correctly implemented. So
> what's your fault?

How is it as efficient? The solution with the gconf keys works for that
single instance of the problem ("i want to add a song quickly"), but the moment
I instantly want to add a whole album, i'm back to having to move to my mouse to
select check boxes, etc. By consolidating into one interface, you force
complexity in that interface, and in this case, (in my opinion) lose something
in the process. You also lose the 'stateless-ness' of muine, which is a bad
thing, in my mind. I don't want to have to think about what search type I used
last time just to add a song or an album. Do you see what I mean about added
complexity getting in the way of functionality?

But we seem to keep coming back to the fact that you see this change as
solving everything, and I see the change as taking away some of the
simplicity and easy of use of muine. So I propose you hack up the
interface you want, post the patch, and actually let everyone on the
list try it out, and see which actually stands up to real world use, not
just some esoteric discussion on this list.

The current interface exists, and has proven itself to work for most use
cases (for people that have found muine's approach to suit them in
general, lots of people still prefer the 'iTunes model'). I'm more than
willing to see if the approach you proposed can prove as easy/versatile.


> Greets, Lars Strojny
> -- 
> name: Lars Strojny         web: 
> street: Yorckstrasse 22    blog:
> city: D-71636 Ludwigsburg  mail/jabber: lars strojny net
> f-print: 1FD5 D8EE D996 8E3E 1417  328A 240F 17EB 0263 AC07

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Peter Johanson
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