Re: Fwd: [Muine] [PATCH] Display album-name in PlaylistWindow.cs


Am Samstag, den 04.06.2005, 11:29 -0400 schrieb rjn:
> Hi all.  This is my first time posting so I figure I'd say hi.
> Anyway, as a user I agree with Pete, muine is nice because its
> extremely efficient in that it requires far less user interaction to
> do things.  I was thinking, though... what about just including the
> album name in the add song dialog box for each track?  Basically, keep
> it how it is now, just with adding an extra line for album name, and
> maybe, throwing in the track number if available?

I'm really wondering about something: you speak on efficiency but how do
you solve the following problem: You remember the look of the cover, not
the band and you want to listen to a song from this album. Currently you
have to open "Play Album", search the cover, add the whole bunch of
tracks in it and delete the ones, you are not willing to listen -- or,
otherwise, open "Play Track" and search for the track.

This is complicated, is it? I would prefer a solution, which is also
efficient *and* tries to solute wishes, which are there.

Also I'm not quite sure, if you understand my concept right: what I
propose would not be less efficient, if it is correctly implemented. So
what's your fault?

Greets, Lars Strojny
name: Lars Strojny         web: 
street: Yorckstrasse 22    blog:
city: D-71636 Ludwigsburg  mail/jabber: lars strojny net
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