Re: [Muine] [PATCH] Display album-name in PlaylistWindow.cs

Am Mittwoch, den 25.05.2005, 18:36 +0200 schrieb Lars Weber:
> Am Dienstag, den 24.05.2005, 06:10 -0700 schrieb Peter Johanson:
> > [...] I guess the question is did you mean to remove the "Play Song"
> > dialog completely in exchange for this enhanced play album thing? If
> > so, *that* is what i'm against, removing the ability to quickly add a
> > song,
> But if done right, it should at least be almost as easy to add
> individual songs by using the new dialog as it is now with the extra
> dialog.  If this were the case, I don't think it would make much sense
> to still keep both.
> > without going through the add album dialog. [...]
> The dialog would of course be called something like "Add Tracks", "Add
> Music" or whatever.
> Anyway, as already mentioned in an earlier mail, the idea of merging the
> "Add Track" dialog with the "Add Album" dialog is one that I also spent
> quite some time thinking about.  The difficult part is with translating
> the general idea into a user-interface that's not too cluttered or
> difficult to comprehend.  Some open questions:
>   o Should there be some kind of mode-switching between album mode and
> track mode in the new dialog (i.e.: toggle-buttons, tabs, ...)?

Yes, would be bad.

>   o Otherwise, should albums and tracks share a single list view or
> should there be separate lists?

Should be shown as an mock-upped tree-view. Album, including the cover
is the parent, the tracks are the childs. tree-view is closed by default
or -- much better -- remember its last state.

>   o Should the search behavior for tracks be the same as currently for
> albums and tracks (i.e. show all tracks by default and then remove those
> not matching the search criteria)?

Look at my ascii. I think it should be choosen by the user via a

>   [With a mode-switching or split interface this seems to be the best
> option but with a shared album-/track-search it might make more sense to
> only show tracks when they're specifically matched on the title.]

Look above.

>   o How can the display of tracks for specific albums be nicely
> integrated?

Look at this exaple:

| Add Music                                                            |
|   ---------------------                                              |
|  |  Search             |      (x) Albums      () Albums and Tracks   |
|   ---------------------                                              |
|                                                                      |
|  ------------------------------------------------------------------ ^|
| |   |xxxxxxxx| Lost in Space                                       |X|
| | > |xxxxxxxx| Aimee Mann                                          |X|
| |   |xxxxxxxx|                                                     |X|
|  ------------------------------------------------------------------ X|
| |   |xxxxxxxx| I'm with Stupid                                     |X|
| | > |xxxxxxxx| Aimee Mann                                          |X|
| |   |xxxxxxxx|                                                     |X|
|  ------------------------------------------------------------------ X|
| |   |xxxxxxxx| The Alice Cooper Show                               |X|
| | > |xxxxxxxx| Alice Cooper                                        |X|
| |   |xxxxxxxx|                                                     |X|
|  ------------------------------------------------------------------ X|
| |   |xxxxxxxx| Lost in Space                                       |X|
| | > |xxxxxxxx| Aimee Mann                                          |X|
| |   |xxxxxxxx|                                                     |X|
|  ------------------------------------------------------------------ v|

| Add Music                                                            |
|   ---------------------                                              |
|  |  Search             |      (x) Albums      () Albums and Tracks   |
|   ---------------------                                              |
|                                                                      |
|  ------------------------------------------------------------------ ^|
| |   |xxxxxxxx| Lost in Space                                       |X|
| | v |xxxxxxxx| Aimee Mann                                          |X|
| |   |xxxxxxxx|                                                     |X|
|  -----------------------------------------------------------------  X|
|   * 01 - Humpty Dumpty                                               |
|   * 02 - High On Sunday 51                                           |
|   * 03 - Lost In Space                                               |
|   * 04 - This Is How It Goes                                         |
|   * 05 - Guys Like Me                                                |
|   * 06 - Pavlov's Bell                                               |
|   * 07 - Real Bad News                                               |
|   * 08 - Invisible Ink                                               |
|   * 09 - Today's The Day                                             |
|   * 10 - The Moth                                                    |
|   * 11 - It's Not                                                    |

This is my idea of how it works. I hope it is self-explaining. 
What do you think about that?

Greets, Lars
name: Lars Strojny         web: 
street: Yorckstrasse 22    blog:
city: D-71636 Ludwigsburg  mail/jabber: lars strojny net
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