Re: Displaying the total number of tracks (was: Re: [Muine] Some thoughts on playlist management)

On Sat, 2005-01-08 at 20:38 +0100, uws wrote:
> P�at, Jan 08, 2005 at 10:12:18PM +0300, Andrew Dolgov skrev:
> > On Sat, 08 Jan 2005 14:40:38 +0100, Jorn Baayen <jbaayen gnome org> wrote:
> > > The plan is to add "Properties" functionality, so then you should be
> > > able to click "Properties" in the add album window to see what is in an
> > > album. Much more like watching the back cover of a CD ..
> > 
> > Just my 5c. Maybe a tooltip appearing when mouse cursor is hovering on
> > the album entry (in album list?) with additional information like
> > number of tracks would be more apropriate?
> That's a Reall Good Idea [tm], Andrew. Jorn, what about a tooltip displaying
> the number of tracks and maybe the total playing time: 
>   +-------------------------------------+
>   | 8 tracks, total playing time: 38:14 |
>   +-------------------------------------+
> That way it doesn't clutter the interface and it's easier then having to
> show all album properties by clicking a button.

Surprise surprise, this one has also been discussed before ;)

The reason against this one is that having tooltips over a treeview is
non-standard and confusing behaviour: Whenever the user's cursor just
happens to be lingering above the treeview (which is more or less
always, when using the dialog) the tooltip will appear and start
obscuring other rows. Which doesn't help in trying to find the album you
are looking for (first having to move away the pointer, etc).
And even if that problem wasn't there, I don't think we should go
against standard Gtk widget behaviour.

I really think that if you really want to view album details pressing a
"Details" button isn't too much trouble. It can be compared to reading a
CDs back cover, I think. 


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