Re: [Muine] Re: Muine UI idea for the future


> Visualization Plugins -- Of course! But why in the GUI?
> (hey, that rhymes)! I can see what a fun thing they
> are _in_fullscreen_mode_. But please not in a GUI.
> It's meant to be usable, not pretty.

When I use visualization, personally, I mostly use it in its own window (as
SDI) or part of the main gui, almost never fullscreen...

> Volume -- You didn't add the volume control button,

I did add a volume control.  :o)

> still it is a little disturbing. We already have one in the
> GNOME panel (by default, so it's somebody's own fault
> if they remove it). That's exactly what makes Windows
> so confusing to new users: the myriards of ways to do
> the same thing.

Erm, changing the volume of the player should not change the volume of the
whole system, and so a player should have its own volume control which
controls the application, not the system.

> Other than that -- In my opinion Muine should (for the
> most part of it) stick to its current GUI. The UIs seen
> in muine1.png and muine3.png are so... I don't know,
> complicated already again.

I think the muine3.png is actually much more "clean" than the muine1.png. :)

Well, I guess it all depends what the author of Muine is after: a very
simple player or a full-featured player but created in such a way that does
retain a good level of simplicity (comparatively to itunes, winamp or even
rhythmbox that is).


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