Re: Update Windows binaries

I wasn't actually running the YAML.  I exported the YAML then edited it to match what I was experimenting with in the UI (it seemed to ignore my YAML anyway -- even when I set the YAML name).

The error window says
cx_Freeze: Python error in main script
Traceback (most recent call last):
C:Python34Wiblsite-packages ox Freeze initscriptsstartup
py", line 14, in run
C:Python34Viblsite-packages ax Freezeinitscripts Console.p
y, line 26, in run
File bin/meld, line 29, in <module:>
File ", line 148, in
File 'C:\Python34\lib\multiprocessingspawn.ру", line 74, in
freeze support
File .C:\Python34\lib\multiprocessing\spawn.ру", line 106, in
File .C:\Python34\lib\multiprocessing\spawn.ру", line 119, in
File .C:\Python34\lib\multiprocessingprocess.ру", line 273, in
AttributeError: "NoneType object has no attribute 'flush

On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 6:00 PM, Vasily Galkin <galkin-vv yandex ru> wrote:
> I realize that, I just wasn't sure what components were associated with those DLLs as of when the setup script was created. I got it to build locally (though Meld exits with "application requested runtime to terminate in an unusual way" after it's installed. On Appveyor it still fails with "error: invalid command 'bdist_msi'" for some reason. I tossed what I have so far into

It looks that problem was in multiline & escaping syntax for yml
(I haven't experience with publishing patch sets, so I created merge request as a representation of a patchset; sorry if it is inconvenient)

After those modifications the bdist_msi command started (and failed for lacking some dlls, different for 32 and 64 bit case)

> On another topic: anybody else seeing this error when closing Meld built with the AIO setup (it only happens when the prompt asking whether you want to save the changes occurs)?
Unfortunately I can't see the image - both in my mail client (web) and in meld list archives.

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