> Once I take out pypiwin32, then I run into the same issue as reported in the "Building MSI package under MSYS" thread
> bash -lc 'cd "%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%" && glib-compile-schemas data && python3 setup_win32.py bdist_msi'
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "setup_win32.py", line 12, in <module>
> site_dir = site.getsitepackages()[1]
> IndexError: list index out of range
> Command exited with code 1
> This is because in the MSYS2 environment, there's only 1 thing in the list
>>>> import site
>>>> site.getsitepackages()
> ['/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages'] Unfortunately, no - I never completed installer build on MSYS2. All my MSYS2 test and usage are running meld from checkout.
> Whereas on Windows, there's 2
>>>> import site
>>>> site.getsitepackages()
> ['C:\\Python36', 'C:\\Python36\\lib\\site-packages']
> Vasily,
> Did you edit setup_win32.py to build on MSYS2?
Msys2 project itself has some scripts for building meld package - https://github.com/Alexpux/MINGW-packages/tree/master/ mingw-w64-meld3
But they use patched setup.py, not setup_win32.py (and of course don't package msi installer).