Re: Being at the bleeding edge…

On 4 November 2014 18:07, Russel Winder <russel winder org uk> wrote:
I recently switched from my own idiosyncratic theme to the standard
Adwaita Dark on Debian Sid. This led to Meld being unusable due to its
assumption of "dark on light". However I read about 3.13 supporting dark
themes. Debian Sid has 3.12.1, but rather than wait for 3.13 to be
released and get into Debian Sid, I have cloned the Git repository and
am now using Meld directly from that. I can confirm that Meld is now
usable in terms of colours :-))

Meld is not though using the fonts specified in the theme, as per Tweak
Tool, but some unspecified monospace font…

This definitely works correctly for me (currently on an older Fedora
release). Can I ask you to check that you have 'Use the system fixed
width font' selected in the preferences?

Otherwise, I can only assume that the interface settings location has
changed recently. Would it be possible for you to check where the
tweak tool font changes are stored? We currently check


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