Re: Meld not working on Mac

From the end user perspective, I tend to think the best way to support Mac is providing some binary that can be used on Mac directly instead of having the end user to install some other tool set like Fink/Macport. 

By the way, Meld is really great tool. I always expect that some day I can use it freely in Mac OS besides Ubuntu.


在 2011-9-10,上午6:12, Anas Mughal 写道:

Honestly, Meld is the best merge tool that I have used so far. Specially because it allows picking/merging modifications on a git project. Hopefully, Meld will be ported over to Mac in the near future.  Meld is a great product. I think the team should charge money for commercial licenses.

For now, I installed Fink on my Mac OS and tried to run Meld under it. After all the trouble of setting up fink and resolving its quirks, I could not figure out why Meld was not seeing files in its open file dialog box. I will give another try today and try to change file permissions, etc.

Thank you for your response.

From: Kai <kai willadsen gmail com>
To: Anas Mughal <anasmughal yahoo com>
Cc: "meld-list gnome org" <meld-list gnome org>
Sent: Friday, September 9, 2011 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: Meld not working on Mac

On 10 September 2011 04:46, Anas Mughal <anasmughal yahoo com> wrote:
> Meld is a great compare and merge tool.
> I tried to set it up on my Mac using Fink. I am now able to run it but I
> don't see any files when I use the open file dialog.
> Is there a setting or some permission issue that I need to fix.

There shouldn't be, no.

I've used Meld on OSX via both macports and using a jhbuild-ed
environment, and both work reasonably well (with some cosmetic
issues). I'm not aware of anything that should cause file-dialog
issues on a mac, or at least none that are specific to Meld. Sorry to
not be more help, but supporting different build environments is not
really feasible.


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