Re: Meld not working on Mac

On 10 September 2011 04:46, Anas Mughal <anasmughal yahoo com> wrote:
> Meld is a great compare and merge tool.
> I tried to set it up on my Mac using Fink. I am now able to run it but I
> don't see any files when I use the open file dialog.
> Is there a setting or some permission issue that I need to fix.

There shouldn't be, no.

I've used Meld on OSX via both macports and using a jhbuild-ed
environment, and both work reasonably well (with some cosmetic
issues). I'm not aware of anything that should cause file-dialog
issues on a mac, or at least none that are specific to Meld. Sorry to
not be more help, but supporting different build environments is not
really feasible.


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