Re: bug report Invoking 'patch' failed for a .sh file

On 19 July 2011 18:34, Avner Ben Hanoch <avnerb mellanox com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using meld for the 1st day.  It looks cool.
> I got the following error when trying to show changes for a *.sh file.
> I am using RHEL6.0, with git version 1.7.1, and with patch
> version 2.6.  I have no problem to see changes for other files
> (*.cc & *.xml) in meld.

The type of file shouldn't really make a difference. If you're getting
this problem with multiple .sh files... that would be odd.

> - meld version: '1.4.0'

1.4.0 is pretty old at this stage. If you can reproduce the problem
with something more recent (ideally 1.5.2) then please file a bug. If
you can provide a way to reproduce the bug (i.e., a repository URL or
a minimal test case) then that would be great.

In case you don't know, you don't need to install Meld in order to
test out newer versions. Just running bin/meld from the archive
directory should work.


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